I have a life like yours, with the same challenges that you have every day! Just because I am considered a public figure does not mean that my life does not happen the same as other people's. I have my happy days and my sad days. I wake up every day thanking God for the wonderful opportunity to be alive! At night, as the mother of a baby, I take my little piece of light to her bed. There is nothing better than watching a movie with her before sleeping.

For me the first thing is my family, Nick and my two beautiful daughters: Bárbara Camila and Amalia Victoria. My mother is a very important person in my life, I love and respect her like no one in the world. Of all the roles in my life, being part of my family, this is the most important of all, the one I love the most, the one I always want to take care of, the one in which I feel, woman, mother and wife. My family is my great blessing!