
Well here while I write to you from the heights sitting on my bed-chair in position 7D. Right on each side, each one of my Amalia, on the other side Barbie and Nick behind, all I do is thank God for this end of the year.

An end of the year surrounded by my family, my loves of the soul, the people who make my heart beat a thousand per hour. If I start to take an inventory of my 2019, everything has happened and I have helped many of the things that I have dreamed of come true because I am one of the one who firmly believes that "God says help you that I will help you." In fact, every time I remember the times I hear people say “they haven't called me for this or that thing” I think, “-but why don't you call ????, is that you yourself should be a promoter of the dreams: if you believe them, believe it and let it grow.

It is a question of attitude towards life, an attitude of joy, of knowing that you will achieve it, it is putting passion into whatever you want as Paulo Coelho says until the universe conspires to make it come true. And really if there is something within my characteristics it is that I am "very annoying" and that is why I suggest to people that they do not stop insisting on what their heart desires. Do not believe those who are told something about the age, the look, the place, the size, the conditions, there are people who specialize in making you give up or try to discourage you. And in fact I think that these people are vital in our journey because they make you understand that what is easy comes easy goes away.

Enjoy what remains of this 2019 and live a thousand an hour with everything and the problems that are the best to corroborate that God only gives his best warriors the problems that they will be able to successfully fight