Here while I'm already flying to my vacation I reflect on what it means to always be focused, trust God and never give up on your dreams. In fact, I still remember the thousands of photos that I have seen of the place where I go and I close my eyes and I imagine, I visualize myself standing in those wonderful settings and I even want to cry. And you know why, very simple because every dream I make takes me on an imaginary journey to my old green room in “Los Jardines del Valle” in Caracas and I swear to you that fulfilling all these dreams with my mother's hand is as if my beautiful daddy were sitting here on this plane with us.
And I know that from heaven he smiles and says again what he always emphasized constantly: "Always together, always together." Because for my dad the
the best way to do things was always with the family, betting on happiness. And they really know how successful it is to be able to say that I belong to the percentage of children just like my father did who walk with their parents up and down.
Many people criticize you and I guess it is part of the upbringing they received. I'm going here on this plane to Chicago, because from there we will go to Europe and what I do is thank God for the opportunity that He gives me every day to continue walking hand in hand with my mother every dream.
What a success, what a wonder, what a blessing. You know what my loves and last night when I was still packing I knelt in my room to thank God on my knees to continue making my way by walking a path full of people who continue to add miles of love. Love is what moves me and my vitamin "D" never NEVER forsakes me ... Vitamin God, from the hand of God everything ... without him nothing.