If I told you that I love the early mornings and the magic of the mornings, you would not believe me. I am sure they will say that I say it so that they believe ... but I must confess that you cannot imagine how much I adore that feeling that I have in my fingers for writing what my little head begins to want to share early on.
Seriously, my true love is as if the mornings fill me with inspiration, with the necessary muse to start another great day. And every time I wake up I have my basic routines that many of you must have already perceived: I begin to know that I am awake and understand that I have finished sleeping, followed by that awakening and reviewing my sleep application to see how much I slept and what the quality was like. From the dream, I pray and pray and I do all my prayers thanking God at the same time for so many beautiful things and for the blessing of mine ... I also usually ask God to get me out of the way everything that does not correspond to me light, to my vibration, I am one of those who beg never to go through that energy of people who do not vibrate at my frequency and in any case give me the ability to detect it to leave it the other way.
After my little and very personal ritual, I grab my phone and even in the dark I start writing on my cell phone notes. If people knew that it is true that I spend it with my cell phone, but more to write in my notes than on the networks they would not believe me either.
The truth is that what I like the most in life is writing or rather “one of the things” that I like the most. It is for me therapeutic and liberating, I can speak without talking to anyone and at the same time with everyone, I can touch on a topic that the person who reads it knows perfectly that it is for him or her that I wrote it and the truth is that it does me good because the It is not really healthy to shut up that sick. The truth is, I want to be healthy until the boardwalk dries up as the song says.
Have a magical morning and bring to your day what you need so much smiles, blessings and lots of light.