And today I woke up wondering why you have to change your personality when you get married?
Perhaps when one says "Yes I want, I do and until death do us part one is giving up who one was" ????
It is that I am still amazed by the way the world sees MARRIAGE ... in fact I feel that this pile of stupidities and precepts supported mostly by women, is what has society like this.
Why is a woman who marries and has the personality that they already know, for example "in my case" for being authentic and preserving the same dynamics, they live attacking me, but it remains for me to be seen with bad EYES or with the eyes of an inquisitor judge. clear that the more they criticize me the more they would like to be like me because what they see is what there is NO MORE; even for that reason I think that marriages where everything is absolutely transparent and people continue with their same personality as always is when they do well and work better as a couple.
I can't stand masks, I can't stand someone wanting to impose their beliefs on another being and I think that while there are more people double standards, obviously more conditioning and prejudices will exist; What's more, I'm more afraid of those who have the face of not breaking a plate than those who are like me.
Luckily I never said when I got married that I was giving up the Carolina Sandoval that I have always been !! And of course for those who are reading this; my loves do not let anyone tell you how to live, do not let your happiness be conditional or relevant to the opinion of a few !!!